20140424 Robert Stevens

@1921 at La Quinta Inn
Robert Stevens running for congress in your district
I have been in Provo when I cam asa freshman in 1979. Masters in CS and have worked int eh valley. WordPoerforect, Noveel and own startup for last 18 years. Stayed at home and have had amore time than most to learn about government and watch news.
In 2006 I watched David Walker and his talk about our debt. He said that if we did not change din 2006 and start to practice fiscal discipline then we would reach the point of no return. He took his message to the people versus in Congress. and then he resigned.
With my programming background, we solve proglema all day long. I started to investigate and noted that if the Constistiution is divine document ehtne what went wrong?
I watch fore news and tired to follow the money. I started watching alternative news and their sites and radio. SOme of these people, thogu they have good intentions they didn’t have or make good progress.
I started to read history books and original documents. I was looking for what went wrong. I have found what is wrong and I know how to fix it.
I am going to take a bottom up approach, so image in you are in the convention in 1787 and yoga re with Groege washington and benajamae and all these greats. You had just conquered the greatest govnerment. But you didn’t want soldiers in your houses and other abuses that you fought a war for. You want a representative gonbemrent.
I want to have a senate with senators who represent our states. Then the smaller sates say that is not .. there is a problem in the small and big states. I suppose there was a lot of discussion. If we are going to have the house of repsrenstative repents us then they had to say how many repserentative should represent us.
Before then we had good vgovernmetn. We know our elected officials and felt that we were represented. Should there bee 1000, 10000 to every one? THey chose 30,000 per each representative. That was in the constitution . That ratio remanded pretty much active until the civil war. Then it was decided that if you hit 30001 then instead of having an immediate election you would wait for census.
So it got a little out of whack but they grew together until 1907 but then it looks like it was completely planned. It seems that it was planned by bankers. They set up some trusts which failed. and in 1907 there was a panic and run on the banks. JP Morgan came to the rescue and he was successful. He decided which would remain and which would fail.
In 1910 they passed an act to send Aldrich out to Europe to study banks there. He can back in 1910 they fixed the number of house of representative numbers. It has been fixed even though the population has increased.
You throw the frog in the pot and slowly turn up the temperatre. If they had continued then we would have 10600 repsenrative in the House right now.
Well that is a lot of epode and how will that help?
The founding fathers knew that most of the damage could happen in Congress. They had a term limit of 2 years. THey can fund things. If you knew your presetnatpative and you could hold them in check as well as you can.
I feel really strongly that the events happened around that era.
1912 you had the sinking of the Titanic. The country was upset and dressed. In 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was started. It had been tried before by Alexander Hamilton bu then Adnrew Jackson chased them out. They knew they couldn’t do it unless a big event happened.
In 1913 they established the bank and the government passed the 17th amendment so that Senators were no longer sent by the State Legislature. In 1913 you could go and persuade your Senatore.
The 16th amendment was also passed for taxing.
Then they moved away from the Gold Standard.
The Federal Reserve Shareholders now have 4.2 Trillion in assets and it is up by 1 Trillion since last year. Bloomberg is spending his 50million to fight guns. What can they do with 4.2 trillion? If they keep growing at 10% per year then what happens?
What do we do about this?
I feel if we fix the House of Represntatives then all the tinges that we can fix we will fix. If I am elected or if not I want you to put pressure on the reelected officials. We should have local individuals in the area who act like the representatives directly. We will have more eyes to read the bills and debate them. And if our experiment works in our 3rd district then I believe that using viral marketing we can persuade other districts in other states.
We would have more people to keep the govenmrent in check.
That is my speech. And I will open to your questions.

?Did you ever receive and invitation from Mark HEdergrea to debate?
?Aside from job as preogramooer what other experiences?
I am problem solver. Big picture guy. Entreperenatulr guy. CEO of startup for 18 years.
I know about living in means. I never had invetstmante capital since I have started up. I knew that if I overspent it could come out of my pocket.
I am a natural entrepreneur. I don’t’ think we need incremental change but we need someone to get to the deep source of the problem nd come up with simple elemetgan solutions.
?Any congress and government experience?
I was raides in maryland. My fhter spent his life in govnerment work I was win a family of civilians. He wrote was defnee. We had lots of discussions about prepare role of governentm. I worked for DOD for a while.
My training has come from reading James Madison, Benjamain Frankiln and the Constitution of course.

Our system of govnerment was designed so that people who care about govneremnt could get in for the time that they have.

?What is wrong tight CHaffetz?
I thikn Jason has gotten to the point where he has not read all the bills. On January 13 there was a bill with 1546 pages in length. There had been a couple of pages in the fall. On the 15th they all passed it.
I can’t read a bill that big in 2 days. Mike Leee didn’t pass it. He voted agaisnts it.
In 1787 they spent a long summer and produced a comment that was 400o lines long. No one can create and debate a document so large.
-He hasn’t read the bills?
I feel that is why I sent him there. They don’t just rubber stamp things. If elected I will read the bills. If revisions I will compare the revisions. I will have a list of formulate.
Increae freedom?
Increase liberty?
Legalized plunder?
Special interests?
If I go through and it is constitutional then we can debate how much gets spent where.

?Any votes that you are not happy with?
That was the biggest one. I have not had time to go through his entree record. After 8 years of searching I found the problem and I want to get the word out. I want us to fix this problem.
If you want more, this WIRE act has me nervous. I understand the Internet and I know that as soon as you give them the power to shut down one group that opens a can of worm.s THy can polio the Internet. This WIRE act may put Free Speech on the line.
Alternative news sites will be on the line and I think there ar some who will shut it down.

?I appreciate you being willing to run and give people and option. I detest career politician and people vote for most of what they do. I like you have a progression that you can go back to. I am looking for someone who is educated and serve my principles and values not just politicians.
100 Trillion unfeneduatd liability?
I wish I had good news. Walker said there is no solution for it. Trhoughout history government usually pay off debt through hyper inflation and devaluing currency. It has never happened very easily. If you look at Zimbabwe, it is a mess.
In the best situation we would discover something the world needs, then we market that to the world and pay down. It would be great if we could start to balance th budget as fast as we can.
I have looked at the numbers and graphs. I don’t see any way of doing it.

?Securing border?
If the government wanted to secure the border they would have done it a long time ago. We have all sorts of technology and can detect a rabbit moving for miles. We could do laws to penalize for hiring illegal. THey don’t want to two this.
In Jeruasalem they had a big wall that get bombs lobbed over.
In Jerusalem they are very seruos about the border security. I am not sure that building a fence the whole way will stop it since they can climb and go under.

?Do you feel it is a priority?
I thikn the better thing it to pass laws that don’e encourage illegal. You are more likely to go to a country that offers you welfare.

?DHS? Is it necessary how do you feel in general?
THe Deparatement of Homeland Security has exceeded its bounds. We feel on guard like it is a police state. It was supposed to provide common defense across state. If you talk to government they are given a budget every year. TEven though there are some who try to reduce expenditure, most won’t THey want to increase their own budgets. That is the first thing I saw in the Deapraetemant of Defense for education – they told me to go do as much as I could to spend their budget.
DHS is to defend our country. We don’t know how many bases and how large our emprei is. We will have to retract and defend our borders agasint foreign aggressors. How many of us have flown for decades without incidents? I never fly unless I absolutely have to. Airlines can have their own defense or security.
It is completely immoral and embarrassing. I go of the pat down rather than the pictures. THeat things hdoulb e disbanded and it is awful.
Are they doing they to help us get used to the force of goernemvent and losing our rights.?

?I want your opinion because of your thoughts on money. If things done’ change do you thin our money will be worth nothing in the near future?
Since 1913 our dollar has devaluaed almost 98%. I attended a lecture by Joeal Sckousen. He is so far in to the muck. He believes that there is about 200trillion in debt that is out there. He thinks it will be like 8-10 years.
THe Federal Reserve wants to keep this up as long as they can. As long as they can keep producing money out of thin air. Every corporation in AMerica would love to take over that situation.
We are told to prepare for the worst. Hope for the pest, plan for the worst.
It is hard to know because they are a group of private indvidiaulas who have enormous power world wide and they won’t be audited.

?Securing our borders. Immigration reform with our undocumented workers now?
It is. As I have thought about his, entrepreneur do “hamster thinking.” We look at all the possibilities and we evaluate all the ideas and see how they “score.” You could start to round up and send people back. You could do it with the help of the public.
If the President really wanted that to happen then he could say you need to treat them like your own. Give them service and food abut help them go back to their country. But that is not what they want to do.
SO now you have to deal with family. You don’t want to break them up like with slavery. THey may be undocumented but have grown up here. You don’t want to kick them out of “their country.” We should be law abiding abut their are penalties.
If we decide to do reform I would like all those who were to become citizens to understand govneremnt and make the oath of allegiance. THose who go through the process make better Americans because they understand have bought in to it.

?You said that we need to respect th laws that are in place. DO you foresee any change in the way we deal with it? Or just enforce?
If I was the king then these are the things I would talk about with love and compassion. I don’t think that is what they ask to do. When you take down a free society. You create a welfare state. Youc an do that by brining in immigrants from borders. You then have a bother group of people plundering wealth in the background.
Those whoa re collection welfare will want to keep those people in power. That is how societies work. THis pater has been happening for a lead a couple of thousand years. It is too bad we don’t have long members.

?Part of congress is being able o reach across aisle. How would you do that? Obama is going great to split us up and it is a sad thing.
Your question is great.
You have to love your neighbor. You have to show love no matter what stand they take. That opens other opportunities. At BYU they teach about BoomStartup.
If I stand up then 1/5 will love, 1/5 will hate and the others are undecided. Do you want to focus on love group?
If you focus on the love group then market to swing group then they will see it. You pretty much ignore your hate group. You have to love them but ignore them.

?If you come as a Republican from Utah the rest of the world thinks we are crazy. How ill you get them to vote with you?
I am willing to vote with people and compromise.
I would not have voted for the budget there was too much plunder in there. If you have one individuatl who is firm and resolute then you would make progress in this country.

?THe last 6 years of Tea Party has not born that own. Can you expand?
THey have made lots of strides. A large majority of AMericans now know that all is not well in govneremnt. THey have not been honest with us.
We have not won the war but have won some battles and that is progress.

?THey say that Obamas ratings are going up. I am convinced that people are listening.
I would not look at the polls. The same people who push the polls are publishing the papers. I wouldn’t even bother. In the 1920s there is this guy who wrote “Propaganda” he was considered the father of PR. Edward Bearnet. THis could be used for evil too.
THere have been a hundred years and you would be shocked at how releante it is today. THere are ppoel that know it very well.
I would need to push my own change. It is a good. read.

?Woudl you have forte for the FARM bill?
I am not familiar with the Farm bill.
?It is a trillion dollar bill with entitlements 154 million in Brazil.
No. not only would I not vote for that I would publish what I thought was horrendous – the things that passed our checklist and the things that failed.

?Dept of Education?
Abolish as fast as possible. Our state never delegated those power. THere was no Amendment to do that.

?In my job I evaluate reading and writing of 5th graders. THey can’t spell the same word right more. What can Congress do about that? They can’t multiply.
The Congress shouldn’t do anything. It should be at the States and the local school systems. I have often thought, let’s start it all over again. Lets keep our money but hire common defense. Sherrif, then a Teacher. We may have more things where we delegate.but don’t want to feel like a slave like we are now.
It is not a pleasant on. We have been able to get 4 of our children in to BYU. we did not watch TV. We read. Trips, and research. THey all got along and did well. But they have exceed.
I have 4, 5, and 14 year old at home.
Turning off the TV and not letting them play video games was a big decision. Every household can make their own decision. I wish I had had you as a tutor.

?Biggest issue for State of Utah?
RIght now education.

?Feelings about School Board partisan election?

20140412 UTCRP CC, LD mtg, Nominating Convention

20140412 @0704
Call to order – prayer. . .
We will delay for a few minutes
@706 start again (we were missing flag)

Daryl Acumen, Kirby Glad, Parliamentarian
Accept minutes
I like our positive party. I have observed we don’t have anything to do as Republicans in this area so we should be doing some things..
I am not going to do this another year.
I really appreciate this county

A couple of years .. . .

DA) The National Party has recognized us now and they have said, “We should really use your time” since we have the data strategy.
The proudest thing I can say is that I have been one of you for the last 12 years.

KG) The things I promised to do was to put in to your hands the tools to track and get information about your own delegates and voters.
You have had experience with VoterClick so rather than a system for sending email to one secretary for updating email and phone numbers. With power goes responsibility.
You need to keep an accurate and up to date contact list for your delegates.
Feb 28, 2015 is our Lincoln Day dinner. This is where we get the money to run the party. As party leaders we invite you to attend. You will get email from me throughout your 2 year term. I send it from my personal account. I don’t send you crap (junk). You need to know what I send. Please white list me.

(((need to correct email address for Drake Backman)))

My purpose is to empower you to run the party. The information I send is important. Since the caucus there have been quite a number of changes to the delegate list.
Sometimes 5 minutes after a delegate is elected they realize they can’t go to the convention. During the course of the year as they happen we bring them to this body.
I am going to ask that we approve all the changes in block which are in the electronic list according to the precinct chair changes.

CV) Moved by EC to approve the approve the list en masse.
No discussion we are ready for a vote.
Approve the appointments of the list
Unanimous vocal.

KG) Electronic voting. It can often cost $5-10 / person. We have been looking for cost effective ways to do this with smart phones. Not everyone has a smart phone.
Hand raise for smart phone so we can reduce the number of paper ballots. This can make the convention go faster. We owe it to you to use our time more effectively.
This is only a test. When you check in you would be asked if you have a smart device. You would have a code for this meeting.
Those without phones would have a yellow wrist band.
We are going to test right now and vote on your 2 year meeting schedule. We need to be attending this meeting. You are the governing body of the county.
(no wifi network unfortunately this time – sorry)

CV) Motion to approve 2 year meeting schedule.
Motion carries unanimous by voice

KG) Test vote (red, green, blue) Blue wins
Second test 171 like 5 don’t know 4 don’t like

CV) Party Treasurer is excused today for health issue. Kirby will help with that.

KG) Budget is found on back of the first page of your agenda.
Budget is only a plan, not complete approval. Steering committee can adjust this around. When money is spent it has to be authorized again. Amounts up to 3000.00 are approved by the steering committee. 3k-5k is approved by EC (your district chairs) and anything over 5k is approved by you.
We do not go in to debt. We do not spend what we do not have. If we do not get the income we don’t spend it.
We talk about what we want to accomplish. We discuss with EC (25 people) and we get input from all of them. This budget has been worked on for 6 months. The EC did not approve it a couple of times. We are happy to take any short questions. I recommend that we adopt this budget.

CV) It is moved by EC to adopt the budget as presented. Is there any discussion.
Vote to adopt. One dissenting voice vote.

Kristin Chevrier) Under 10 minute training.
Chair is the voice of the party.
Governing documents – keep the rules and organize. RNC, Start Party, County Party, Constitution / Bylaws, Roberts RUles.
Constitution over Bylaws.
Roberts provides guiddelines. Quick overview of one part of parliamentary.
Main motion, Amendment to main motion, amendment to amendment.
Cannot be eliminated except by the will of body
Amend Motion to . . .
Amend the Amendment
Vote (if passes then takes the lead as the initial amendment
Vote (if passes then substitutes of rthe initial motion)

You cannot make scope changes within the meeting without notice
The duties of the members of the Central Committee. There are too many to talk about all of them.
1) Show up to meetings. Need at least 100 chairs and vice chairs to make a quorum. That is one of the reasons it is so important to show up. Any authority that is not expressly designated by the Constitution is reserved to this committee.
a) approve budget
b) approve appointments
c) consider amendments to C&B
d) discipline party officers as needed
2) Voter identification efforts and GOTV efforts. Building the infrastructure of your precinct with captains is an important part
3) Elect from this body 2015 at Q3 meeting you will elect 5 member C&B and Audit Committees.

CV) Situation to address as a Central Committee. Our party volunteer officer is having a problem with credentialing within a district.

?) I move that the volunteers be allowed to credential the candidates as proxies.
The candidates arrived well in advance and we would like to speak with them as long as we can. I think it is best to allow them to stay at their booths. So we have as much time as possible with the delegates.
?) Shane Pierce Leg chair for 57. I support this.
However, this is what happened. Someone showed up and said to give them the candidates credentials. So they wanted to disagree. There should have been a separate list and shouldn’t have to break rules. Let’s follow the procedure.

CV) Credential motion.
Motion carries.

C&B Chair) Proposals may be brought forward.
We have one proposal for vote that is not on the back of agenda. Change to Bylaw 4 in response to Squire and Co. letter. The purpose was to change the internal controls for the bank reconciliation process. We need proper process.

LN) I would amend so that the Chair is not required to approve but must review.
Lisa Shepherd) Move to postpone to next meeting and refer to C&B committee.
Chris ?) This should be a no brainer. I understand the time. It would be the biggest deal and we should vote this which protects everyone involved.
CallTheQuestion) Ayes have it. We will vote now.

CV) Ayes have it. (wait!)
Standing visual vote – No’s have it.
Division. Standing # vote
Ayes have it the motion carries (224 for 192 against) the proposed change will be referred back to committee.

Adjourn Central Committee meeting

@834 – Legislative District 59 Meeting
Val Peterson) I take your vote seriously. Thanks for that. This is a representative form of government. I hope that you are getting my weekly newsletter. I am trying to publish results of surveys. We had over 600 surveys come back. I wanted to know what your opinions are.
What came out of those is the way that I voted 95% of the time.
I thank Will Fowlke who helped put some of this packet together. It was great to meet at delegate training. It was good to hear your interests and concerns.
1) Fiscal highlight on the education budget. We added $60 million for growth. Education funding is pretty complicated.
2) The WPU and then you have all these separate funded programs ie. dual immersion and others.
3) HB131 didn’t pass which was the tablet for every child. This next year you will see something from the Governor. Davis has already completed a tablet per student plan. If you follow me much I champion STEM. We passed another bill this year. One of the key initiatives is to upgrade the math skills. My son is at Timpanogos and math is something I am concerned about. We want them to have those skills so they can compete.
4&5) Alpine School and State School Board. I share your concerns especially on the math front. Heather and Dixie are your two reps.
6) Federal lands question. Hawaii just succeeded through court action to get lands back. We will have to pursue through litigation.
9) Air quality. We passed a tax incentive for those with alternative fuels. One of the things with air pollution – 60% of the emissions is from us and our cars. Those are some issues that we have to be cognizant of. There is the Stericycle plant that we ‘billed’.
HB61 for money to help upgrade equipment.

Thank you for being delegates. Today is a watermark day. We are all electing our county government. Every county officer is up for election. I appreciate the time you have put in as you have vetted candidates. I have talked with you about what you like and don’t like. It makes a difference on where our county and state goes. Thank you for your time. Especially when this is the Saturday of spring break.

?) Appetite for doing anything about marriage?
VP) In the courts now. We passed Amendment 3. We provided a friend of the court brief. From there we are waiting to see what the court does. This is a fight that is strongly felt. We are all concerned in the Legislature and want to win.

?) County and state party platforms. Their statements are different so how do we fix that?
VP) Work with Linda or Tai to work the process.
DaveDuncan) Any member can propose changes.

?) Not funding the tablets?
VP) The way the Legislature set it up was a grant process so that districts could apply for matching money from the state. Just to have internet access would take $50 million. I share your concern on fees. I have asked that we look at fees. Parents have noticed them and it is something to look at.

?) About the teachers and the math we still have teachers that are not good and need testing or review or to get out. I sit in classes and listen to their ineptness. Is there anything we can do?
VP) A couple of answers. I have shared your frustration with some teachers and in some cases we get a good result and others we haven’t. One of the things with STEM is to create a math endorsement to help teachers with skill set. We ran with 104 teachers that did a 3 day seminar with concepts and tools and trying to create a level playing field.
Kids in one class might have a great teacher and then the next year it is not the same level. The STEM bill we passed will help with that.
?) With Core Curriculum and Math 1, 2, 3?
VP) That is why I gave you the phone number for the Board. That is where the decision was made. Call them.

?) STEM I know you like. How about others? We have lost so much of the music.
VP) We need the arts but our math skills are not there. 66% of students at UVU are not prepared. I don’t understand the math piece of Common Core. I have never voted on a curriculum item from Common Core. The more we have local control we will be better off.

?) Help us understand what ASD can do about Common Core?
VP) State Board creates standards and directs the District Boards. I don’t think they will adopt Common Core in Science because of outcry. Ways to change in Math 1, 2, 3 or traditional. I feel that traditional was better. Integrated math is hard to see.
To elicit change we need to go there to the Boards.
There is a task force that is looking at governance. The School Board is a constitutional body outside of Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Branches here in Utah. They have oversight and control of the public education system. That governance task force is looking at the governance.
We implemented a parents committee that the State Board was against. They said that it has helped though after they fought it.

?) One of the things about local control is that ASD can adjust about 15% without changing the overall nature of the program. When I went to Utah State Board I was presented with the “Garden of Eden” and no disagreement. I teach at BYU but I just don’t know of any pedagogical theory that is so celestial so I am feeling there is no room for disagreement etc. I don’t know where to go?
VP) Your School Board members are elected.

?) Elected body can’t we organize along the general election? How about the Unions?
VP) They are elected. Teachers have a big say.
UEA has mixed success. I am probably about 30% vote with UEA and they have had mixed success.

?) What is the process for voting?
VP) ASD is grassroots. State School Board you apply and then the Governor puts forward 2 candidates.

?) Who has oversight over the USOE?
VP) Statute and the Governor. We are the ones that fund the system. We use WPU but then specify particular projects. Then the local School District can raise their own taxes and our influence gets smaller. They negotiate what they wawnt.

?) Federal Government able to directly fund State?
VP) Grant process straight to State Board. The Governor accepted the money so we have the ties with that.


@949 seating in the main hall
@1000 full hall SRO
@1007 gavel
CV)Welcome to 2014 Nominating Convention of UCRP. We will begin with prayer, presentation of colors, pledge and national anthem.
CV) Thank you to all of you for starting this convention with your unity and our commitment to this country.
Thanks to the committees who helped bring this together. We had 15 Leg District meetings with 150-200 people to meet the candidates. You have been phenomenal in attending. Thanks to all your officers and others. We have wonderful relationships with those who are here. I am grateful to the candidates for keeping with this rigorous schedule.
The 2014 nominating convention will come to order.
We will hear from the Governor then Attorney General. I have gotten to know these gentlemen and they have been gracious and welcoming to me and welcomed us to the mansion and the office. He has been a very helpful with everything we have requested along the way.
Let us hear from our Governor Gary Herbert.
Gary Herbert) Thank you for the warm welcome. It is good to be home. I am grateful to be from Utah and grateful to be from Utah County.
Let me say as I heard you sing the National Anthem the Mormon Tabernacle Choir would be proud of your talent. It was a great way to start this activity today.
I am going to be mercifully brief. Let me talk about 2-3 things on my mind.
Thanks for the work you do. It is not easy. It takes on significant responsibility.
Your impact is felt throughout the state and the nation. I appreciate that you take on the responsibility of being a delegate and the heart and soul of the party. This is really the HQ of that. Thank you for your great work.
I want to congratulate those who run for office It is not easy. It takes some fortitude to throw your hat in the ring and say “choose me.” There is some ego and aren’t we glad that good people step forward and say choose me.
Let me also suggest that there are no losers. There are some that will have fewer votes than someone else. We learn and express ideas and find out how we square with the platform. I appreciate those who come short and there may be another opportunity.
Because of you and mainly because of you we are having success in Utah. That is what is embodied here at the grassroots. We receive accolades from all over the country and surprising locations. Utah is the leader in this country in so many ways. This is like cream rising to the top.
People are puzzled about why we are having success and have a great quality of life. Some of us understand why and may take it for granted. Part of Utah and our DNA and the party platform.
I just returned from a Mexico trade mission. We had a chance to meet with Businesses from Mexico – Gruppos Bimbo is a company I hadn’t heard of – Sara Lee you have heard of. That is one of their products. They are the largest bakery in the world. 126,000 employees with 10,000 products in the world. They are going to increase their presence in UT because of our visit.
They happened to have a Board of Directors meeting and met with us. They said this: “We talked about company values and your State Values. We have the same values.
Family, Faith, Hard work, and Integrity and Family comes first.”
I was impressed that they had that as their values and two that they recognized us. It is because of those principles and values that we have great outcomes. UT County is #2 most prosperous for business in America. UT is 4th most diverse economy in America. Graduation and tourism rates are improving. It is because of you.
Let me conclude that we should appreciate those values.
Team Utah – this is more to do with you and not just me. Working together with our local government and county government. You have a great set of legislators here. All of us working together to remind them in Washington of these values. When we look at our platform and what we are doing in Utah – these are the principles that were from our founding fathers. With liberty comes responsibility. Keeping government limited and efficient.
Eschewing the idea of entitlement. I appreciate working with the legislature. We have a balanced budget and we have AAA bonding with credit agencies. The fact that we now have fewer state employees today than in 2001. We have fewer employees providing services but the quality is high. That is remarkable.
Let me conclude where I started. We are a great state because we have people like you who give back. We are having great outcomes in the state because of you. This is the best state. This is a light to the world. Thank you very much.

Sean Reyes) Thank you so much. How are you feeling?
The governor just came back from Mexico another country. I have traveled too. They have legalized marijuana in CO and it is great to be back in America having come back from the 10th circuit court arguments.
I was at a Lincoln Day dinner in another county and was told that I had two minutes to speak. If I went over by a second he would shoot me. And I responded back “you had better finish me with your first shot because I pack and will shoot back..” He responded, “you just earned yourself 30 more seconds.”
I don’t have a Republican opponent in this race. I want a real attorney general who is accountable to you. He needs to represent your issues and your values.
I do have a Democrat opponent. He has already circulated fliers.
He hasn’t noted any of the audits and leadership changes that I have made in the office already. The restructuring to the Constitutional part of the department.
He hasn’t criticized the fact that we gave back money from the office. That is part of our principles.
He hasn’t criticized my visit to 27 of 29 counties.
He hasn’t criticized my fight of the public lands issues that we need so badly for funding our education. That is a fight that we are working on. I have filed a joint suit against the EPA and am working on one for the BLM. We are filing Amicus Briefs in West Virginia case that is against the Obama Administration.
He has not criticized us on the parental and family rights with children. And on privacy rights. It is your information.
We have still been effective on the law enforcement side. We have apprehended an alleged cartel member and human trafficking. This person we have deported 6 times and he has come back. We now have 21 witnesses and it is our commitment to keep this man locked up here so he will not terrorize our children in our schools again.
(switched his tie from blue to green) For my friends at UVU.
The one criticism, he has criticized me for defending Amendment 3 that you passed. He has criticized me for defending (standing ovation) Let me say this. It is not just traditional marriage – it is the state sovereign right to determine what marriage is and should be. That is why we are fighting so hard in Denver.
7 other attorney generals including AG Holder (boos) think I am wrong. I have heard that I am on the wrong side of history and it is not worth fighting.
It is a fight worth standing up for! When I took an oath. You have my commitment to fight. We will continue at the 10th Circuit and the Supreme Court if we need to.
Thank you.

CV) We had Sean as our guest at another meeting. We appreciate how quickly he has restored our confidence in that office. 4 of the largest counties are having their conventions today and they came here first. They are going to start trekking north.

KG) Credentials report. I am also County Party secretary. I want you to know when you sang the Star Spangled Banner did you get goosebumps like I did?
The caucus resslte we added to the list by chairs. We have reviewed list of degleats. The delegate is available online. That list was used: 1632 were authorized
Auditoriusm seats 1600. We have checked in 1492.
If someone show up at 1pm then I would like them to be able to vote. So we will continue to update through the day. You must approve the delegate list.
I move that the list be approved

CV) Adopt the credential report. No discussion. Vote with hand up credential.
Motion carries. Ayes have it.
Rules committee report.

Diane Christensen) Stan Lockhart, Paul Baltes etc. This committee has been very gracious. In your program is a copy of the rules. When the rules went to EC they voted to change on 8c instead of 2 minutes to 3 minutes to be consistent. But that was not changed on all sections. These changes have been approved by the EC and the candidates have been operating under these rules for some time.
Move that we approve with the correction noted.

CV) Any discussion? No discussion.
Motion carries. Ayes have it.
Adopt of the proposed agenda. Without objection the agenda will be adopted.
No objection? We did that in less than an hour, congrats.
Doyle Mortimer appointed as election judge.
-Don’t come up to me. He will speak to you in a moment.

Election by acclamation: Kris Poulson (Assessor), Tracy (Sheriff), Radcliff (surveyor) are our nominees. These are our candidates for those offices.

We will be using prepared ballots for our votes. If you did not receive your envelope please get it now. To explain election process Doyle will explain.

Doyle Mortimer) We have a full house and want to minimize the amount of time it takes to vote. Every ballot is for a race, ballot number and ALL the candidates running in that race. As we begin each one we will explain what to mark.
If you are worried bout a spoiled ballot you can get a re-issue as long as your ballot is not cast.
We don’t want you to get up and go and come back. What we will do when we vote is we will have ballot box go through the rows. 2 people will come through and you will place your ballot in the box. We should be able to do every round in less than 15 minutes that way. When completed we will wait for the extra people on the edges and who may have taken a break.
We will then go back to the back – election room 107 and will count.

CV) We will now hear from each of the candidates. Each candidate will have up to 3 minutes. Any breach in the decorum I will address. I am very nice and have dimples but I will enforce this. People refrain from calling in to question any candidates motives etc.
Commission Seat B:
I am thankful for this opportunity. Carlton B for commission B. I feel strongly about protecting marriage. One of our sacred institutions is under attack. Peoples actual rights of conscience are being violated. They are being forced to go against their most fundamental rights.
Came here 400 years ago for freedom of religion. We can protect marriage at the County level. As we recently saw, the recent exception of the laws were seen at the county issue. I would use our legislative authority that within UT county we will not give license. Marriage was instituted by God. Every person in this world has a mother and father. That is a natural thing and there is meaning there. A child will never result from something other than that. We could pass a law against gravity but it won’t change the fact. Same gender union will never be marriage.
Marriage has always been a state issue, not a federal issue. When we have an unelected federal judge overruling our people and governor, how do we respond? I say that we pass an ordinance at the county level to not do this. We will stand up for that.

(Commissioner Whitney) Ladies and gentlemen, 4 years ago you selected me and I nominate Casey Allen.
Good morning. It is good to see you. I have lost my voice in the speaking engagements in the past 3 weeks. I thank you for the experience. I thank you for taking the time and asking question and facing the issues. Let me introduce myself. I have lived here for 30 years. I graduated with a degree in English.
I spent 20 years raising my children. Commissioner Whitney asked me to come help him and for over 3 years now I have had the privilege of running the office and have been the Exec Assistant. I have seen what it takes to be an effective County Commissioner. It is hard work. It is more about listening and less about talking. More about planning than politics. I saw a need for more accountability and transparency. The commissioners affect your lives everyday.
I want to bring more engagement to the office. New perspective you’ve never seen before.
New energy to get new answers.
I commit to do the hard work. I am ready – more time in politics does not make better service. The longer you serve the more baggage you have thus the less effective you are.

(Nomination) Fellow delegates Bill Lee is a man of principles and integrity. There is a reason why so many delegates support him. Freedom, limited government, and fiscal discipline. It is my pleasure, no privilege go to nominate Bill Lee for seat B.
(Lee) Thank you for being here. I am Republican by choice but conservative by conviction. Conservative principles are the key to our prosperity. I learned these values from a mother who taught me. My mother said, we must trust but verify. 5 years ago I met Mike Lee. For the last 3 years i have been going around this state and applying conservative government principles. It is an honor to have your support and those up here.
Senator Lee said our communities will prosper if we reduce government. A vote for me is to stand up for primary property rights, public safety and individuals. Proper use of tax money and free market principles. I will stand fast in going after our federal lands.
I love this country and this county. Let’s stand together and go forward. As we stand up and look forward and bring things together, let us make UT County a brighter place.

Good morning. I am happy to see all of you who have come out to stand and defend what you believe is right. We shouldn’t fret for those who fight for us to defend our freedom and justice. My name is Oscar and we have 3 wonderful children. I have worked for UT County for 25 years as a Surveyor. I have retired and run my own business for the last 5 years. Many of us don’t realize how blessed we are. However our government is forgetting our basics of what God is here. Some of the restrictions of the government of our Constitutional rights.
Government will not do that only as far as to restrain others. No power is plenary and discretion can be abused:
1) land rights, 2) water rights, 3) economic development and 4) bonded debt
We need to be responsible for the decisions we make. These are items I will focus on. I love UT County and won’t change it for anything. Let me represent you and do the best job for this county. Oscar Saldana – Saeat B.

(nomination) I am James Grierson and I vote. I am here to nominate my father. Not because he is my father but because of the man he is. No job is too small for him to do. He has always taught to be the fist there and last to leave when the job is finished.
He works hard, is compassionate and willing to listen. I nominate Lorne Grierson for County Commission.
(nomination) Here as a common citizen. I met him a couple of years ago in Payson. He has faithfully attended our meetings and he has helped us. He will listen to each one of you.
LG) I appreciate those nominations. I thank you for your service. It is incredible to see the turnout. I have lived here for over 25 years. I love this county.
I am a business problem solver and get things done. I will do that. I swear an oath and I will uphold the Constitution of the US and UT as my first thought not my last. If you interested in someone you can get a hold of and have a vision. I hope you vote for me Seat B. Thank you very much.

Three sessenionl elemstn – exec, judic and leg. I have the breadth and depth that meet sand exceeds. I served on Provo City. I cut teeth on legal.
As software exec at WP and Novell I have managed mjltil million and deatl tiwth budget. In the County I provided strong leadership.
Trementdowu growth is coming and we will tackle togetrh. I will haw ill stay aghea dog the curve to deliver clean energy and wise transit development. IProperty rights are paramount. That is what made this country great.
When the legislature is in session, watch your pocket book. I will be on capital hill reminindg every elgisatlro reminding them that UT County si the heart. We cradle 70000 of the students at BYU and UVU. All we ask is that they feel this deeply and act accordingly.
I believe exceptional accountable vibrant . I do not want to expand beyond 3 . You have to show up and work hard. David Acheson, your vote.

It feels like afternoon since we have been up fro so long. My husband Allan, who is a verterman and serves in National guard. 4 sons. and some additional youth from Eagle Mountatin. As a y
As a young girl I remember my mother taking me to vote. I remember she let me stay up late one year. It was the year that Reagan was elected president. I was proud to be brought up where we knew that Regan would represent our values. I want o represent those values.
I make decisions based on lmited gov, fiscal discipline, proper role.
What sets you apart? I have experience and proven track record. I have reduced spending and privatized services. I have six years as mayor or Eagle Mountain. I ask for you vote so I may preserve the future for my children so they can take their children to vote. I ask for you vote – Heather Jackson.

CV) In accordance with our bylaws, if no one receives majority then top 3 then top 2. Prepare for balloting. Credentialling is closed until the polls are opened again. 1532 delegates credentialed.
Select only one candidate for this seat B.

DM) if you are in the wings make way for our boxes please.
CV) Polls open @1116
Polls closed @1136

94% attendance here!
60% attendance in SL County
Acknowledge my parliamentarian here. Thank you!

Commission Seat A
We live in a secretive society. Mch of the business is conducted bet in closed doors. It is difficult of rnew comes. The game is rigged and incumbents carry water.
There is a negative stigma with politician. THe vast majority is in it of wrong reason. THere is temptation to abuse it. Most don’t realize the bporlem. As County My Vote. We seldom ielect honest popele. THere ar e those who have served muliptle terms.
Our lawyers and jedgetna bring in the problem It is incestuatous. Occasionally one of ours gets in. We lost this game 100 years ago when stopped paying attention. Washington didn’t’ run for aooffice again.
The vetting process has gone awry. The politicians know wha tis good for us?
Good ness is a reflection of those who live here. That is what makes UT county so remarkable and foutgin. I am self mad man. What you see is wha thou get.
I care to take a stand and plegd my honor. I am ready to amok a difference. My name is Howard Stone.

Jake Adernedatg and I nominated Johnny Revill for Seat A. I have known the refills of r8 years now. The term so alt of the arth applies. It is with great pride and disticinton that I look forward to working.
I left wa while ago and thought that my mom was a good person to represent me. Some said that they would vote for her and not me. Thourhg this process you have grilled us with different and interesting anions. Who do you want to repent re you at this county.
your questions have helped me ponder the role and now as we approach this important vote I want you to think of these questions:
Is it imporatn to me to have commission wire thexpericne with service and making difficult decision.
Is it i.e. mportatn to have a record of community service and provide exceptional service?
Is it is important to understand planning and of economic and recital growth respecting private property?
Is it imporatn afor fresh ideas then yes, I am your candidate?
Someone who won’t love trnspareancy

Thomas Jefferson said honest;y of the first chapter in the book of wisdom. I entered this race because it is time to get off the sideline. The time is now to deal with the debt problem. We have restricted our local government from 0 to 240 million in debt. We need to change course right now. We need to do this ourselves.
We do this with the character of lincoln and economics of reagan. We have not seen a significant number of increase in jobs and salaries. Real econonmic growth is when we stop interfering and over regulating.
1 Debit elimination – not free until we are out of debt we need to move together.
2 Lead by example representing UT County platform. This is about all of us. Serviing us It is not able waltz.
3 Transparancy with open dialog. This has been a great 3 weeks. It is true that people tell us that we are not bad, but we can do better. We must take a stand today. Lifetime politicians think they know better. Entitlement started with policiticna.
I can resepresnt you and aI am asking of your support. I will earn your serve every day that I am in office.

Gary Radcliff) What a tribute. I am your county surveyor – Radcliff. I knew Gary for years and he is a dear friend. For those who have coined the phrase of property rights, he understands that very well. He has represented individuals who have concerns with that issue. He understands. He is the real deal. He is principled – 2 points
1 if he tell you he will do something he will do it
2 If the tells you he own’t do something you can take that to the bank too.
ANderson) Gary Radcliff is so great he runs unopposed. We have been together for a while. UT County is wonderful . People have discovered it.
I want to keep my kids here and grandkids. I will not raise taxes. You need to know good and bad bonds. 81% are good bonds for roads and freeways.
UT Taxpaers says we are the best managed county in the state. Seat “A” is for Anderson.

CV) Credentialing closed @1151. Commission Seat A.
1532 credentialed.
1547 credentialed correction.

17 years of personal experience. This can only be one by shots who have fought for the victims before. This job can only be done by those who know when to be tough and show compassion.
I have proven leadership and I have the treats of the police department. I am endorsed by Police and Defense Attorny.
My attorney proecs everyday.
Deleages and friends it is a rpivlage. I am Ben Stanley – candidate of rUtah County. I have never had ea shorter time making a snarguemnt.
I grew up with military but I returned bro BYU law school. I gained the skills to make difference. I learned the prcoeedusre. and I have defended corporate. and reps rented the largest first in the world. I have led them to great success.
I have the expreicne of rithgint eh ships that are off course. I love UT County and we have seen injustice in this count.y I have made the case to m based on judges and docuemtnations. We don’t need another procsecurore. We have 18 proescurotrs that can handle that.
We need experience and guidance. THe powerful sword of might and temper with shield of just and integrity. It is time of rthe right kind of culture.
I have campaigned for transparency and. Be with me to fight for what matters.
In justice somewhere is a threat everywhere. I am grateful for the support ath we have felt.

John Dougall – I have worked with Jacob professionally and he has my complete support.
My name is Jacob Atkin. I am ready to be your auditor. We have the responsibility to stand and defend the rights and values of this star. I will stand with Sean Reyees and defend Amendment 4.
I want to talk about porotecint your vote. I will work to make sur eyou have a correct ballot and are not robbed of your vote. THe right to vote has been paid for by these in the armed focus. We must protect that at all coast.
The duties – I am being supported by Deputies associate. Endorised by Mayor Curtis. THey know about the services that are need. As a CPA with years of experience.
I can build the systems and lead my staff. I can increase communication, customer service and transparency and accountably of call of utah county.
It is a time we all expense more from government and elected officials. . We should eald the way. And I am asking for your vote.

I am your current UT County Auditor. I have appreciated being involved an I appreciate your involvement. I was in your place vetting candidates 20 years ago. THorughout the years I have served as CHair party c. I served as Treasurer. I know what you expect. You want us to not only support but promote the items in the platform.
You want us to safeguard your values and money. I have done that as your auditor. Because of my values I stood up to not issue same sex marriage licenses . Because of my accounting degree and experience I have safeguarded you tax dollars. We have made an effort to review all of you the claims. I have safgaurde.
I have taken responsibility for mistakes ask we can look for improvement. I will contienu to listen to you and make rue we do our due diligence.
I will maintain my indepenced. I believe this apooficee chsould be elected. As an elected official I am beholden to you. I have avoided ensoresmsents. As th Auditore I want to remain independendent. I ask for you vote.

Randy COnvingotn and we stood out as a bright tight for other offices in Utah and the nation. There were some things that we did that were a first. One of those items was electronic recording. The company we helped be the first on now help throughout the country. My tenure was short due to illness andd family. I spent years away and those things have not been done. I believe Millett will implement those things. He has the enthousiams. I endorse him.
McKell – I am a licensed title officer, Raphael Millet.
I appreciate the support of you out there. I appreciate my family. I card deeply about their office. We don’t need to draw on miller and 0 we can purchase OCR software.I am passionate about office. MPA in local and govnermnet to save.
When I took a job 17 eayears ago I had passion and I still do.

Glen Roberts and I owed an operated title company and now work across states. I know of no better Recorder than Jeff Smith.
On behalf of 20 employees please support Jeff Smith.
Experience matters in recorder office. I have worked for 20 years there. Previoeus to recorder I did surveryt and maps and titles. I know the process inside and out. My understanding of the office and leadership experience. My background is in land surveying. When I was elected 4 years ago I have started brining us forward. We continue to keep our webs tie fee and are happy to provide apps. We have a department and office that heps all individual no matter how difficult.
Th The last 4 years have been marked by extraordinary service. I have practical and professional knowledge to say that almost every office is endorsing me in this election. Let us continue the excellence which we have done.

UCCU Preseident and CEO I have worked with Kim Jackson fro server al years. He is education leadership and experience and working knowledge of all things financial. I am convinced that he is prepared to serve well. I am pleased to nominate as a candidate Kim Jackson.
Poulson the current Assessor and I second this nomination.
As many of you know there are 3 words: trusted, reliable and experienced. I am a numbers guy. THis is not comfortable. I want to debit on left and credit on right.
I have security license experience. 26+ years as CFO, Treasurer and other comp titles and companies. I have grown up in this county. I attended Provo High School.
I want to take this dollar bill and frame it so that you can keep more of these in your wallet. I ask for your vote.
Robert Kirk and your current Treasurer. Cary is a professional with experiencee and the only candidate with hands on experience in the office. Please join me in endorsing Treasure.
I am serious about managing you’re money. Tax collection is not glamorous . Currently I am at the office and spent the years working with Rob Kirk. He is well respected in this county. Not everything counts.
You need to asses your next treasurer with 10 years pirate accounting experience. I spent 13 years of auditing county. Wha tis treasury management.? We collect on a daily basis and then we distribute to 49 districts in the county. As the assistant Treasure I have a great working relationship with them.
I have been safeguarding your tax dollars. THis is a sacred duty that the treasurer offers. I have built relathsionships that filters fraud an.
I am serious about tdeliverign wha thou need. My name is Cary McConnell. Thank you.

CV) Thank you to candidates. We will hear from John Dougall our State Auditor.
JD) I will have attended 16 of 20 conventions. I appreciate the hospitality. I was in Weber this morning.
I was heard a story from Reagan – there was a Replucaln candidate campaigning in a Democrat rural area. Faramer gets mom and Replucan climbed on heap of poop. “I have never given a speech on demo platform”
Bastiet warned us that he definition of gonverment is the fiction that some whoudl try to live at others expense. That seems to be what our Preseident is trying to do.
Too often politicians show the programs and talk about they do. THey forget how they got their money. You would have spent it.
Feel free to raise your hand if you wan tot pay more.
It is improtatn to remember where the money comes from and who pays the bill.
I want to remind oyou of good words form Washington – It is not eloquence or reasoning it is force. LIke first it siacan be a servant.”

CV) I appreciate our state auditor he has a very open Facebook page.
Credentialling is now closed until the polls are closed
1547 now – 95%
since there are only 2 candidates will determine a winner or primary
Please mark only name per ballot.
Results are back for commission B

Greier 322 21%
jackson 313 20.4%
lee 494 32.3

saladan 32
bowen 42
allen 129
acheson 219

Lee, Grierson, Jackson
@1243 open

If tyranny is coming from neighbor or group or government it is still tyranny and I don’t like it. Last night I couldn’t sleep. I was laying back and reading the constitution and I would think about my values
Decl of Ind – mankind are more disposed to suffer while equals are sfferable but when a long train of susurpoarteion evening a dosing to gtohw off such tyranny . . .
I am not calling of reevaluation or crazy but we should take this seriously . THis ishoudl be your fist act among am nay acts.
They can’t ignore us. That is the vision.
Constitution – Article I secion 8
Secion9 and 10 is specific – we need to be vigilant of these people – they just a resmarter or just know someone or something. We can tree this in the HD TV eyes. In the last 200 years we assumed that it is just accepted. You get in line and od that. Because of an amendment that went through that has no business going through. Whe we do this and allow it to happen rather than sticking in the bound of constitution. Tytannay came in our door and the OBama are mandate and if you don’t pay the fine then you go to jail.
THis is tyranny unlike anyone. The penalty is almost 700 I can’t figure out how they thought that was a good idea.
Last night, why I was up, was because my good friend was watching this video. It was of a BLM dispute in NEvada. I shave been kind’ve o busy. I recognizes the location in Nevada. The people that brought my mom in to the church live their.
I played on theta property and phone four wheeling – I have scars. The experience is that these are good people. Clive is having the BLM, a department that shouldn’t exist, is coming in and
The irony is poetically pro Settled by Mormon pioneers driven our to ao country and came in here and now that land, that she government and tazingg these guys and knowing them over and we have a president not saying a thing to the DHS.
We have a serious, serious probe. THomas Jefferson says something to us. That is that he didn’t include that he was a president. HE didn’t that was the greatest accomplishment in his life.
He lists Virginia legislation and educational institution. Jefferson knew that even he, while he was President, even he extended it further than he would have lived in the Louisian Purchase.
Government is a concur and wants to grown and can’t control itself.
I ask for this convention oaf these deletageat. Stand with me and fellow delegates. Fill the comittesa and attend these events.
Make posts on Facebook, write letters, show what is to be a Rebpulicana.
Your first act of patriotism – if each of us give money today then there is a lot we can do.

Graves –
Anderson –

Motion for 1 minute speech
Motion fails (loudly)
28% graves
41% anderson
26% revill
5% stone

Graves and Anderson second round
Polls open @1330
@1348 polls are closed

You are welcome to continue talking. Thanks for the donations and contributions. Those who haven’t seen the box can drop in the box at the door with ViceChair and Leg Chair

Chairman James Evans) Center of the republican party in utah
National is launching the call center here in Orem. Let’s ada noter net exporter and of Republican values from here.
We are going to man the call center weekly every day expect sunday and monday. We are focused on key senator races so we can take back the US Sentae.
THen we can all be grateful an send press obam to the golf course for the final two years.
On April 25 the day before the convention we are hosting United in Rally. Ted Cruz and Rince Priebus are coming. Senator Hatch has agreed to attend.
I wanted to just let you know that we are calling it united in utah is ts the Replubcain vision and vision and accomplishments. Weith the example of the OBama we have to come together so we can avoid the Billaray. We are ground zero.
?How do you do it?
After th fight we ar still republican and come together . Nothing will get in the way of our principles HTat is at the bottom of who we are.
So we can I talke mall of the battles within the party because all I have to do is look t DC and just tell our story. THey want to know at RNC meetings. WHow come you are so Replubcalin.?
(go to church)
Today I won’t’ talk about that export. BUt at the end of the day we truly admire Utah County because of passio and commitment. We wawnt o help export that.
Please volunteer at the support center. Acrsoss from BYU in Provo.
Want to stress that in the rally we are trying to have as many youth attend to inspire the next generation.
17 and under can get in free. We don’t want them to fall in the trap of give me, you owe me or where’s mine.
We wan them to step up and be true ameriancs. Let me do it for myself.
How many of you pre-registered for caucus?
We did excellent on pre-register. We are always ready to take a risk.looking at the long term.
At the end of the day with Count My Vote we planned on conference and other activities. Nothing is going to get in our way.
On Friday evening I was able to interact with traditional major donors. I boiledit down to 1 question. is it okay to have differences of opinion? Yes
What is the problem – it is when we become disagreeable. Most of these guys are refined and not used to mix it up because they have assistants for the … so when they come it to convention they get a little bit put off. I am translating that reality of politics to our major donors. Some of them are coming back.
We are explaining who we are and where we need to make corrections. We won’t stop being Rpulican. We are going to export to the rest of the country.
I want to thank all of the candidates.
I want to support you
I am grateful for their commitments. I want to thank you for sacrificing your time.
Youc an call just saying hows it going.
COme to the rally – 94% turn is amazing.

DA) I am feeling guilty we just raised a little bit of cash. We raised 4879.00 just now. I was going through the budget.
I think of things of rh the phone lines.

KG) 2 things
1 – I am too cheap to pay the janitor, can you please clean up your papers?
2 – Average percentage 95% for the county. TOp 3 districts #65 97%, #57 98%, #66 99%

CV) Getting results for 1.5 minutes
One more round.
lee 656 43.39
grierson 445 49
jackson 411

open @1420
closed @

buhman 52.48%
stanley 782

thompson 678
atkin 836

smith 1241
millet 362

jackson 826
mcconnell 674

commissioner a
graves 963 65.47%
anderson 508 34.53

commissioner b
lee 748 54.4
grie 627 45.6

I am still wondering about Auditor. Not 100% must have